Week 1: Intro and Blogging
1. Please begin by reading this blog and find out about the program.
2. Set up your own blog, add your first post, add an avatar if you wish. Register your blog and begin your Learning 2.0 journey.
3. Copyright, Creative Commons & Web 2.0
Week 2: Photos and Images
4. Explore Flickr and learn about this popular image hosting site.
5. Have some Flickr fun and discover some Flickr mashups and 3rd party sites. Visit the Commons - how could this be used in a lesson plan?
6. Explore Glogster and create an interactive poster. Share the link with your blog readers.
Week 3: Developing a PLN
7. Learn about RSS feeds and set up your own Google Reader account. Locate a few useful school classroom blogs and/or news feeds and add them to your reader.
8. Post a comment on at least one blog that you are following. Link back to your blog.
9. Set up a Twitter account and start following suggested teachers, librarians, educational technology specialists, classrooms, school boards, and other educational listings.
Week 4: Potpourri: Tags, Social Bookmarking, Copyright and 2.0
10. Learn about tagging and discover Diiago (a social bookmarking site)
11. Explore self-generating tag applications, including Wordle and Tagxedo and how these tools and other tag applications might be used in the classroom.
Week 5: Wikis and Google Docs
12. Learn about wikis and discover some innovative ways that educators are using them. Add an entry to your own page of the Academy 2.0 SandBox wiki.
13. Explore Google Docs / Google Apps and Typewith.me.com.
Week 6: Digital Storytelling
14. VoiceThread
15. Windows MovieMaker, Photostory 3 and Flip Cameras
Week 7: Podcasts, Video and Downloadable Audio
16. Discover Teacher Tube, YouTube and a few sites that allow users to upload and share videos.
17. Podcasts - no iPod! needed! Learn how to use Audacity to create podcasts for student learning.
Week 8: Play Week – Have fun and explore some tools for learning.
18. Slideshare
19. Google Earth
20. Nings and Choose Your Own