Monday, July 13, 2009


This tutorial is brought to you by the Academy School District 20 IT-ES Team as a professional development program. It is being funded by a NCLB Mini-Grant, “20 in the 21st: Web 2.0 in the Classroom.” This module is designed for you to do on your own or you may choose to meet together as a team within your school to work on the various tasks. You can obtain a Management/Users Guide by clicking on the ABOUT section. On the following pages, you will encounter the tools of the new Internet: Web 2.0 tools that are bringing our kids in touch with the entire world through social networking, video, audio, and gaming sites. The ITE-ES Team encourages you to take time to explore and enjoy all the tools of this new Internet. Read on! For this tutorial, there are 20 Things for you to complete. Each Thing will show you one more web tool. There are many places for you to explore, experiment with, and think about creative ways to use 2.0 tools in your classroom.

Credit: If you wish, you can register for 2 CDE credits. See FAQ #5 on the About page.

Tutorial Format: Each week begins with a brief explanation of a new web 2.0 topic, followed by Discovery Exercises. These exercises give you the background you need to understand the tools you're learning about. Don't skip them! After the Discovery Exercises, you'll find a Thing -- activity -- to complete.

After each Thing you will write about the experience on the blog you will create. In other words, you will comment or "post" to your online log (Blog.) Think of this blog as a journal to reflect on your learning. You will learn how to set up a blog in our first face-to-face meeting. This is a tool to communicate your thoughts, new found skills, ideas, questions, and favorite websites. You'll receive feedback and encouragement from other participants. In turn, you will provide feedback and encouragement to others. It's your space! The links on the Overview page will take you to each week's specific lesson.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Previous Participant Blogs

2009-2010 Participant Blogs
20/20 Learnings
A Work In Progress
Aonghus' World
AVHS Science
DCC Kindie Teacher
Deep Thoughts by Mrs. Driver
DVE Library
DVE Technology
Fifth Grade
First Class Blog
Gibbons' Gab
Lucas Learners
Max Art
McCormick's Blog
Mr. Blatnick
Mrs. Frost's TAG Blog
Mrs. Gile's Math Blog
Mrs. L
Mrs. V
Musing Miller
My Blog Space
Nita's Notes
P's Page
Payne's Passage
Realist Party
Sander's Scoop
Sideways Stories from a 5th Grade Class
SMSP Science Stuff
T-Wolf Talk
The Teacher Learned Today…
Third Grade DVE
Voget's Adventures
Warner's Wonderings
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 Immigrant

2008-2009 Participant Blogs
2nd Grade 3B’s blog
AIE Tech Art Blog
chardtimes Comb’s Crew
Corrigan Fifth Grade Dabs and Scabs
ephemeral creativity femommy2
Fifth Grade Fourth Grade
Fresh Roasted
Gahren Gulch
Gem Finder
Hermansen Headlines
Huffman News
Information Literacy Using 2.0 Tools
Journey S2’s Blog
jpan’s Blog
Knowledge Boost!
Kristin Thinks
Live from Room 16
Mathis’ Minutes
Mr. McIntosh Says
Mr. Olivero’s Blog
Mrs. Smithey’s Blog
Mrs. W’s Whacky Tunes
Mrs. White’s Blog!
My Web 2.0 Adventure
Nature’s Baby
Progressive regression
Ramblings of 7th Grade
Runner Girl
Running Woman
Salsera Sourcestress
Science and Social Studies
Second Grade Ramblings
shageeglen2’s Blog
Singing Librarian
Spalding’s Spirit of 76 Blog
Steelers Girl
supercaffeinated’s Blog
TAG Talk
Tales of the 4th grade Ramble
Tam’s Chat
The Science of Life
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 Class
Web 2.0: Students constructing knowledge, creating the future…
Web20 Mitchell’s Blog
World Language Web 2.0